Latest jobs in Malawi

Customs Risk Management Advisor at Ministry of Transport and Public Works

  • Full Time
  • Lilongwe, Malawi
  • Applications have closed
  • Salary: 000

Ministry of Transport and Public Works

NAME OF PROJECT: Southern Africa Trade and Connectivity Project (SATCP)
ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Recruitment of Customs Risk Management Advisor for the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA)
DATE OF ISSUE: 2 December 2022

1. Introduction:

The Government of Malawi (GoM) has received a credit and grant from the International Development Association (IDA) under the Southern Africa Trade and Connectivity Project (Project) to support efforts to reduce trade costs and time, increase access to improved
infrastructure, and increase value chain development in targeted corridors of Malawi and Mozambique, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.



The Ministry of Transport and Public Works intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services (“the Services”) include consultancy services as a Customs Risk Management Advisor for the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA).

2. Objective of the Assignment

The Risk advisor will help the MRA develop and manage the implementation of best practice risk-based processes, support adoption of a data and performance driven culture and assist in capacity building and organisational change initiatives to enable the resourcing of a risk based operating model.

3. Scope of the Services

The Advisor will assist the Commissioner of Customs by supporting the development and implementation of the Customs compliance and risk improvement plan, including the following areas:

  • Improve and coordinate implementation of Customs strategy and improvement plan, the risk management plan, and the ongoing monitoring of the implementation of the Customs risk improvement reforms
  • Assist in developing the Customs Compliance Strategy and operating model and support the implementation across the MRA
  • Develop the Customs reporting dashboard and performance improvement process and its sources of reliable data to cover for revenue collection efficiency, protection, and trade facilitation outcomes and train and mentor officers to establish a data and
    performance driven Customs culture
  • Develop the Trader management strategy in association with registration, licensing and AEO functions
  • Provide ongoing support and mentorship to the Authorised Economic Operator section, and support the growth of Customs to business partnerships and voluntary compliance initiatives
  • Review and improve the organisational structure to support the risk based operating model at pre-border, at the border, and post clearance including the establishment of appropriate staffing at each location, level, and division to enable effective staffing to
    assess, profile, monitor and manage risk
  • Support capacity building activities to develop critical skills in data analysis, risk management, intelligence, post clearance audit, inspection and enforcement areas including the development of working manuals to appropriately instruct each function
  • Inculcate a risk management culture within Customs, and assist organisational discipline to refine and iteratively update risk management profiles and procedures to improve facilitation of trade
  • Coordinate and develop access and utilisation of advanced information of 3rd party data, i.e., data from shipping lines, transit countries, Banks etc, and help develop the relevant connectivity with relevant parties to support risk management capabilities
  • Review ASYCUDA World processing system upgrades scheduled for electronic cargo and goods declarations functionality, and provide expert input to help develop best practice systemic and operational risk management capabilities in the new ASYCUDA
    operating model, in alignment to the Customs strategy
  • Provide support on the development, evaluation and implementation of Customs enforcement strategies and enforcement tools, including non-intrusive scanners, drones, detector dogs, electronic seals and their connection to the Customs systems. Assist MRA in optimising their risk and enforcement activities working to align and support the scheduled initiatives planned so that they fit seamlessly into the
    MRA risk and enforcement strategy and plan. For example, with Non-Intrusive Scanner Interventions provide support to:
    o Realise scanner strategy to deliver combination of facilitation
    and protection benefits
    o Implementation of new and upgraded MRA scanner initiatives
    o Utilise intelligence and risk-based profiling and targeting to results
    o Ensure integrated inspection reports into Customs risk
    o Develop specific ASYCUDA selectivity rules for use in scanners and target admissibility of prohibited and restricted goods
  • Develop a deliberate capacity building program for the risk selectivity team to target contraveners, establish proactive risk rules and apply an entry-based compliance segmentation model in alignment to AEO program
  • Provide technical assistance to support modernisation in review of legislation, policies and procedures to ensure development of best practices aligned to WCO and WTO provisions and best practices and optimising MRA processes in line with the MRAs
    risk-based approach
  • Support the effective functioning of the Risk Management Committee and involvement of the relevant head office and operational representatives to strengthen the risk management agenda
  • Conduct capacity building activities within Post Clearance Audit section and its extension to perform a mix of risk-based, assurance, AEO systems-based audits, and increased collaboration with domestic tax audits
  • Provide relevant input and assistance as and where required to support the capability building program to be provided by external consultants, for example in PCA and AEO and ensure the alignment of initiatives into the overall risk and compliance strategy and plan
  • Perform other duties as required by Commissioner of Customs relevant to the competencies of the advisor.

4. Reporting Requirements

The appointed Risk Advisor will report to the Commissioner of Customs with a dotted line to the Director of Modernisation who is championing reforms in MRA.

5. Professional Qualification and Experience



The applicant should have the following qualifications and experience:

  • At least 10 years of advisory experience within the international trade and Customs environment, including a detailed understanding of international Customs legislation, and border management best practices as per the provisions of the WTO TFA, WCO RKC and SAFE Framework of Standards
  • Should be fully conversant with fundamental information systems techniques including sourcing and information flows
  • Should be conversant with advanced techniques of Customs risk selection and targeting including behavioural analysis
  • Should demonstrate knowledge in establishing and managing collaborative relationships with relevant departments and stakeholders responsible with risk management
  • Hold a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Customs or equivalent tertiary qualification from a recognised institution
  • Possess a demonstrated track record of undertaking successful risk management projects in Customs agencies in developing countries
  • Track record of Customs capacity building in human resources and structures
  • A solid network of contacts across international Customs and enforcement agencies
  • Demonstrate strong leadership, communication, presentation, and advocacy skills to engage effectively with public sector leaders
  • A strong understanding and expertise in developing Customs risk selectivity within cargo and goods declaration processing systems, with an understanding of ASYCUDA World considered as an advantage
  • Mandatory fluency in spoken and written English

6. Duration of the Assignment

The position will initially be for a 24-month duration, with a possible extension up to 36 months.

7. Facilities to be provided by the Client

The Client shall provide office accommodation with normal associated services like water, electricity, office supplies and furniture, communication and internet facilities.

For all field related assignments within Malawi, the Project shall provide transport and costs and other expenses (per Diems etc.) related to the field work

8. Location of Employment and Obligations of the Consultant

The Advisor will be based in Blantyre at the MRA offices.

9. Conflict of Interest

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” dated November 2020 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of

10. Submission of Expressions of Interest

Interested Individuals meeting the stated requirements should submit their Expressions of interest including updated detailed curriculum vitae (CVs) and copies of professional certificates must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) by 16 December 2022 on or before 16:30 hours, local time.

The Chairman,

Internal Procurement and Disposal of Assets Committee,

Ministry Of Transport and Public Works

Attn: Chief Human Resources Officer

Capital Hill, Private Bag 322, Lilongwe 3, Malawi

Tel: +265 1 789 577

E-mail: [email protected]; CC: [email protected]; [email protected]