Peace Corps
At the invitation of the Government of Malawi, the first Peace Corps Volunteers arrived in 1963. Since then, more than 3,000 Volunteers have served in every district from Chitipa in the North to Nsanje in the South. Peace Corps Volunteers partner with Malawian community members, institutions, and organizations to meet the country’s most pressing development needs among three program sectors: Education, Environment, and Health. Volunteers integrate into the culture and communities in which they serve, promoting a better understanding of Americans on the part of peoples served and a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans.
Under the direct supervision of the Training Manager (TM), the Training Assistant (TA) will provide support and assistance to the Peace Corps team to plan, prepare, and provide comprehensive and integrated training to American Peace Corps Trainees and Volunteers and their counterparts throughout the Volunteer lifecycle, while ensuring that each Volunteer demonstrates competencies necessary to have a professional Peace Corps service. These competencies include the ability to exemplify a commitment to service and resilience; demonstrate responsibility for personal health, safety, and security; integrate into Malawian communities; as well as facilitate participatory development under the unique conditions of Peace Corps service in Malawi.
While performing their duties and responsibilities the Training Assistant will regularly consult the Peace Corps Manual, Peace Corps/Malawi Staff Handbook, Peace Corps/Malawi Trainee Handbook, and Peace Corps/Malawi Volunteer Service Handbook, Volunteer Competencies document, as well as Peace Corps Overseas Programming and Training resources.
Training Administration
- Manage the logistical aspects of all Volunteer training events including organizing initial planning meetings, drafting the Calendar of Training Events (COTE), ensuring follow-up on assigned tasks, and organizing debriefs at the end of each event.
- Develop checklists for all training events for all service approaches including 2-year Volunteers, Peace Corps Response Volunteers, Advancing Health Professionals (AHP) Volunteers, and Virtual Service Participants (pre-service training (PST), Response Orientation, in-service trainings (ISTs), mid-service training (MST), close of service conference, etc.).
- In collaboration with the General Services team, assist the TM in developing and implementing major training events including procurement, logistics (housing, meals, meeting space) for participants, trainers, and support staff, and arranging transportation details, etc.
- Coordinate across units on agenda development for all training events and all essential materials and resources (including the Peace Corps Trainee Handbook, Continuum of Learning and Assessment (CLA), Learning and Development Plans (LDPs), Volunteer Competency Model Self Assessments, Self-Other-Bridge, and other materials) prior to the Trainees’ arrival. Collaborate with the TM and others to reproduce, collate, distribute, and file training materials in an organized and coordinated manner.
- Assists the TM in developing budgets related to all Peace Corps trainings and helps in implementing the annual training budget in accordance with the approved operating plan.
- Ensures proper distribution of all applicable allowances to Trainees, Volunteers, host families, and other training event participants.
- Collaborates with the TM, Human Resources Assistant (HRA) and Director of Management and Operations (DMO) to recruit and select intermittent or short-term staff.
- Identifies and orients PST host families.
- Demonstrates a sound understanding of community-based training (CBT) and ensure that all the activities are planned and implemented appropriately and in accordance with relevant Peace Corps guidance.
- Training site management strategy – Collaborate with the TM to identify and assess potential PST training sites, including analyzing housing, transportation needs, local resources, and available supplies.
Training Assessment and Evaluation
- Participates in the Trainee Assessment process and shares feedback regarding the readiness of each Trainee to perform in his/her proposed Volunteer assignment.
- Training evaluation – Participates in and observes select training sessions and activities and provides feedback and guidance as appropriate.
- Training evaluation – Uses evaluation results to revise and enhance future training activities – regardless of whether they are related to technical sector, medical, safety, language, or global core material.
- Training reporting and dissemination – In coordination with the TM and Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist (MES), completes portions of annual status reports related to training. Contributes to the preparation of reports on the country program as required by Peace Corps/Headquarters or for other publicity and communications purposes. Evaluates all training events during, at the conclusion of, and after Volunteer application of training upon return to site.
Monitoring and Evaluation
- Participates in meetings with the TM and training team periodically during key events and ensures that the integrated competencies are implemented effectively during training
- Delivers and disseminates evaluation methods to gather useful feedback from Trainees and Volunteers on their progress and their assessment of their training and the training staff. Compiles this information and provides summary reports.
- Creates a mechanism to monitor progress and gives ‘real time’ feedback to the training team and participants for all major training events.
- Works with the TM and Volunteers to ensure appropriate data collection tools are developed and selects appropriate data collection methods for each programming sector that informs Volunteer training review and monitors Volunteer reporting
- Assists the TM with the processes and protocols for data collection, data cleaning, reporting.
- Addresses data quality improvement needs
Training Design and Facilitation
- Helps Trainees and Volunteers to identify their individual learning needs.
- Guides Trainees and Volunteers toward resources to meet those needs (manuals, tutors, Learning Space activities, etc.).
- Overall instructional design – Assists the TM in the design and implementation of a comprehensive language, medical, safety and security, technical sector, and global core curriculum in support of the Volunteer Competency Model and its four job functions.
- Assists the TM in continuous implementation of the Training Design and Assessment (TDA) process to ensure the 27-month training curriculum accurately reflects Invitee/Trainee/Volunteer training needs in relation to each Logical Project Framework (LPF), its accompanying M&E Plan, and the Language Task Analysis including Sector Specific Language Training (SSLT).
- Reviews the Continuum of Learning and Assessment (CLA) and Learning and Development Plan (LDP) for each sector and the schedule for each training event at post annually to ensure consistency with Agency requirements and best practices.
- Creates content and activities for Peace Corps/Malawi’s online learning platform in order to enhance Invitee, Trainee, and Volunteer acquisition and development of local languages, intercultural, and technical skills.
- Works with the TM to implement team building activities for training participants to create a strong and effective training environment.
- Supports the Language and Cross-Cultural Coordinator (LCC) in implementing ongoing language evaluation systems to assess Trainee and Volunteer language acquisition and helps ensure effective training and monitoring of Language and Cross-Cultural Facilitators (LCFs) in consistent application of the systems.
- Ensures that trainers complete their documentation of session plans.
- Collaborates with Programming, Training, and Evaluation (PTE) colleagues with respect to the integration and implementation of Grassroot Soccer (GRS), Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored and Safe (DREAMS), and Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) programming in sector activities in support of post’s cross-sectoral programming priority (CSPP) focused on HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention.
Site and Volunteer Management
- Volunteer site matching and assignment – In coordination with the TM and LCC, provides information on language, cultural, and technical abilities of Trainees that assists staff in assigning Volunteer sites.
- Coaching – In coordination with the TM, reviews, monitors, and evaluates Volunteer progress to identify strengths, weaknesses or deficiencies and provides necessary professional and personal guidance, motivation, and encouragement to Volunteers.
- Performance management – Assists the TM in assessing Volunteer and Virtual Service Pilot (VSP)performance through appropriate means including the Volunteer Reporting and Grants (VRG) tool, VSP Tracker, site visits, and consultations with technical and cultural counterparts at the community, regional, and national levels.
- Ensures Trainee and Volunteer adherence to Peace Corps policies and standards of conduct.
- Documents cases of inappropriate behavior and briefs the TM in a timely fashion. When appropriate, takes steps to overcome any identified deficiencies or obstacles, including disciplinary actions when necessary.
- Trauma-informed support – Understands the physical, social, and emotional impact of trauma on Volunteers and provides victim-centered support.
Safety and Security
- Ensures safety and security competencies are incorporated and actively integrated into PST and IST programs.
- Ensures that the global core sessions are incorporated into PST and that relevant staff participate.
- Evaluates and documents effectiveness of training, including PCV/T progress on safety and security competencies.
- Working with CD, DPT, DDPT, TM, relevant PMs, and SSM, develops assesses and redesigns competencies and training sessions as required.
- Ensures that safety and security systems for pre-service training are in place, including evaluation of homestay sites and the orientation of host families.
- Provides training to trainers and other staff, practicum partners, local officials, and PCTs, regarding their roles and responsibility related to PCV/T safety and security.
- Identifies and immediately communicates Volunteer safety and security concerns and issues to the Safety and Security Manager and Country Director.
- Is knowledgeable and supportive of Peace Corps safety and security policies and procedures, including the timely reporting of suspicious incidents, persons, or articles.
- Participates in the design and implementation of the Emergency Action Plan (EAP).
- Acts as duty officer as assigned.
- The Training Assistant reports to the Training Manager.
- Sub-cashier: May be designated a sub-cashier after approval by OCFO/GAP. Responsibilities as a sub-cashier include performing limited cash disbursements as directed by the Director of Management and Operations, proper disbursing and collecting of funds, proper accounting for funds advanced, safeguarding funds advanced, and accepting personal responsibility and financial liability for funds after successful completion of the requisite training for performing sub-cashier duties. (See MS 760 and OFMH 13)
- Occasional Money Handler/Holder: May be designated as an occasional money handler/holder (OMH) if assigned by the Director of Management and Operations. As an OMH, may be requested to courier cash and/or purchase orders to various vendors who furnish supplies and/or services to Pre-Service Training/In-Service Training site(s), or other locations as directed by the Overseas Contracting Officer (OCO). May also be requested to courier cash to Peace Corps Trainees or Volunteers. The Contractor will not be functioning as a procurement or disbursing official but will only be acting as an intermediary between the Contracting or Disbursing Officer and the recipient. In the case of dealing with vendors, the Contractor will not exercise any procurement discretion concerning the supplies or services to be purchased or the cost limits of these purchases; these will be determined by the OCO. (See OFMH 13)
- Receiving officer: May be designated as a receiving officer if assigned by the Country Director and with the approval of the Regional Director. Responsibilities as a receiving officer include accurate review of goods or services, their accompanying invoices, and the purchase order/contract to ensure that the specifications, quality, amounts, price, timeliness, etc. of the goods are consistent with the terms and conditions of the contract/purchase order after successful completion of the requisite training to perform receiving duties.
- The position is based at the Peace Corps office in Lilongwe, with extended periods of work at the pre-service training site and other locations around the country. Travel in official vehicles and work with standard office equipment (computers, phones, printers, etc.) is required.
- The normal hours of work are 7:30am – 5:00pm, M-TH, and 7:30am – 12:30pm F. Occasional extended hours (nights, weekends, holidays) are required, especially during pre-service and other training events. The position may also be included in the duty officer phone rotation to receive after-hours Volunteer emergency calls.
- Bachelor’s degree in Education, Community Development, Rural Development, or related field.
- Minimum of five years training experience in a multicultural setting.
- Demonstrated knowledge and experience in using adult learning and participatory training methods.
- Demonstrated experience in monitoring and evaluation.
- Demonstrated knowledge and experience in Community Based Training (CBT).
- Able to legally work in Malawi.
- Ability to read, write, and speak English fluently.
- Performs other duties or assignments, when deemed necessary by the Country Director and/or Supervisor for the successful implementation of Peace Corps program(s) and/or operations in Malawi.
- Serve as back-up support for and/or carries out the duties and responsibilities of other Program and Training positions when deemed necessary by the Country Director and/or Supervisor for the successful implementation of Peace Corps program(s) and/or operations in Malawi.
- COVID-19 and Other Flexibilities: If there is a time at post, due to the COVID-19 pandemic or for any other reason, when there are limited or no Peace Corps Trainees and/or Volunteers (jointly referred to as “Volunteers”) at Peace Corps/[Malawi], the PSC may be temporarily assigned during that period, as determined by the Peace Corps Country Director, to carry out additional duties and responsibilities in furtherance of the goals of the Peace Corps in order to enhance the ability of Peace Corps Volunteers to perform functions under the Peace Corps Act, including facilitating a safe environment in order for the successful return or increase of Volunteers.
- This temporary assignment may require the PSC to provide services and/or support beyond what is listed in their current Statement of Work (SOW). The services and/or support may take many forms, examples of which may include but are not limited to, training, providing administrative, technical, medical, and/or operational assistance, building on host country programs, etc. This temporary assignment also may require the PSC to provide these services and/or support to individuals/organizations other than those listed in their current SOW such as host country government, partner organization(s), community member(s), staff, and/or contractors.
- Lilongwe, Malawi
- The anticipated contract will be for a base period of up to one year, with up to four one-year option periods, exercisable at the unilateral option of the Peace Corps based on satisfactory performance, continued need for the position, and availability of funds.
- This is a full-time position, requiring a minimum working schedule of 40 hours per week.
- Based on salary history, experience, and range of the position
- Proficient computer skills (Microsoft suite)
- Demonstrated ability to prepare reports and develop training materials
- Excellent communication, writing and analytical skills.
- Flexible, adaptable, reliable, and sensitivity to gender and diversity issues.
- Excellent organizational and time-management skills
- Familiarity with Malawian culture.
- Experience in budget planning and implementation.
- Experience with procurement processes and policies.
- Peace Corps reserves the right to not evaluate or to withhold an offer of a personal services contract to an individual that has a history of poor past performance or conduct as a Peace Corps Trainee, Volunteer, or staff member (USDH, PSC, or FSN).
- Peace Corps reserves the right to withhold an offer of a personal services contract to an individual that is a relative or household member of a current Peace Corps staff member.
- The contract is contingent on the availability of funds and reference and background checks.
- Individuals who have current or prior connections with intelligence activities or agencies through employment, related work, or even family relations may be ineligible for a personal services contract.
- The successful candidate will be required to follow any workplace health and/or safety rules indicated for their position – including complying with any medical and/or training requirements specified for their position in accordance with public health and/or occupational health or safety policies.
- Peace Corps will not discriminate against an applicant because of that person’s race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age, disability, or genetic information.
Method Of Application
Candidates who meet the required minimum qualifications listed above should send a detailed C.V., cover letter, and supporting documentation including the following to [email protected]
- Education completed (including degree, diplomas/certifications)
- Work history.
- Confirmation whether you have ever served as a Peace Corps Volunteer, Trainee, or staff member in any capacity. If yes, provide position location, type, title, and dates.
- Telephone and email contact information.
- The title of the position, Training Assistant, must be clearly marked in the subject line of the email message.
To be considered, the documentation submitted must clearly demonstrate how the candidate has met the stated minimum qualifications.
Only candidates invited to an interview will be contacted.