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Electricity Generation Company (Malawi)

Electricity Generation Company

Electricity Generation Company (Malawi) Limited (EGENCO) is a limited liability company incorporated under the Companies Act (Cap. 46:03) of the Laws of Malawi on 7th September 2016. The company was established with the mandate of generating electricity in Malawi. The Company was formed following the unbundling of the Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) Limited into two separate institutions; one for generating electricity (thus EGENCO) and another one for transmission and distribution (thus ESCOM).

EGENCO started its operations as a separate and independent company on January 1, 2017. Currently, EGENCO operates four hydro power stations namely: Nkula, Tedzani, Kapichira and Wovwe. The Company also operates thermal power plants in Lilongwe, Mzuzu and Mapanga, Blantyre. Overall, EGENCO has a total installed generation capacity of 441.95MW, with 390.55MW from hydro power plants and 51.4MW from standby diesel power plants.