Ministry of Finance
(Appointment Type: Local Hire)
DATE OF ISSUE: 31st January , 2024
The Government of Malawi (GoM) through the Ministry of Finance (MoF) has applied for financing towards the cost of the Regional Climate Resilience for Eastern and Southern Africa 2 (RCRP). The
EP&D intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under the contract for hiring various Project specialists and an intern.
The EP&D invites applications from suitably qualified and interested candidates to fill the various positions of Project specialists, recruited as individual consultants following World Bank Regulations dated September 2023.
Position Title: Project Social Safeguards Specialist (2 positions)
The Objectives of the Assignment
The overall objective of the assignment is to ensure that RCRP activities comply with the requirements of the environmental and social safeguards as outlined in the governing Environmental and
Social Management Framework (ESMF) and the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) in adherence with the World Bank’s Regulations for IPF Borrowers dated September 2023.
Duties and Responsibilities
Specifically, the Project Social Safeguards Specialist will perform the following duties:
a. Conducting environmental and social screening in collaboration with Environmental Specialist and all relevant stakeholders including District Councils followed by the timely development of Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) of all sub project activities with the aim of incorporating due processes as standard practice in social and environmental safeguards implementation;
b. For any upcoming project activities, conduct the needed screening and whenever necessary, prepare the required Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA), Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) and Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs), and ensure that such
plans are approved by relevant agencies and the World Bank prior to implementation;
c. Provide professional input regarding environmental and social concerns into the planning, design and contracting of investments, including the preparation of tender documents;
d. Develop and implement an internal administrative tracking system for the PIU in order to monitor the progress of project activities in terms of meeting environmental and social safeguard requirements. The system will include the planning, assessment, approval, implementation and
monitoring phases of MEAP activities. The system will be computer based (using a spread sheet or Microsoft Access) and designed for easy data entry and report generation.
Reports generated by the system should be simple to produce, showing progress of a specific project activity, and highlight critical items such as pending or overdue actions;
e. Design and deliver, or arrange for the delivery of, an environmental and social safeguards capacity building program for the PIU and District based relevant stakeholders in various implementing agencies. This program will include formal training sessions as well as on the job coaching. The purpose is to strengthen the capacity of implementing agencies and other relevant stakeholders to implement environmental and social safeguard requirements effectively within the context of larger MEAP activities;
f. Periodically supervise and document land acquisition and resettlement activities, maintaining consistent and regular contact with Project Affected Persons to make sure that the resettlement delivery adheres to the adequate protection and resettlement standards and ensure other social issues
are complete prior to any civil works;
g. Assist in setting up and designing project level Stakeholders Engagement Plan (SEP) including Grievance Redress Mechanisms (GRM), and its implementation. This includes preparation of social safeguards information materials in line with the SEP, disseminating the information and
engaging with relevant stakeholders especially affected communities and Project Affected People (PAPs) to ensure enhanced project awareness, transparency and social accountability). Provide training of Grievance Redress Committees, and management of GRM database.
h. Undertaking site visits and reviewing contractors’ compliance with site-specific CESMPs, Labour Management Procedures (LMPs), Codes of Conducts etc including determining and suggesting remedial actions in collaboration with the Environmental Expert and Occupational Health and Safety
(OHS) Expert;
i. Manage the day-to-day work of the Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA)/Sexual Harassment (SH) Service Provider to ensure mechanisms are in place to prevent and respond to SEA/SH cases in line with national legislation and World Bank Good Practice Note.
j. Following up implementation of environmental screening and implementation of ESMPs and Social response operations at sector and district levels through designated Social and Environmental focal officers at Sector level and Environmental District Officers at district level respectively;
k. Undertaking site visits and reviewing contractors’ compliance with site-specific ESMPs, including determining and suggesting remedial actions;
l. Preparation of non-compliance reports and keeping track of respective responses/actions undertaken; preparation of periodic Environmental Compliance Monitoring Reports;
m. Participating at the official meetings with the Bank and other forums related to the project;
n. Provide inputs and materials to Communication Officer for devising communication strategy, knowledge products and dissemination of results;
o. Ensure that any outstanding environmental or social issues are properly attended to;
p. Create interface between the Environmental Specialist, M&E Officer and enhance communication and interaction between the grassroots structures, the district and the Sectors ensuring sensitization of responsible groups at all levels;
q. Provide professional input to ToRs developed for recruitment of other environmental and social assignments for the project;
r. Participate in the timely review of reports of independent Environmental and Social consultants engaged under the project and ensure necessary clearance / or approval by relevant authorities (MEPA and World Bank);
s. Ensure that Labour Influx, Gender Based Violence (GBV), Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), Child labour, HIV and AIDS including STI, Community Health and Safety, gender and social inclusion related impacts are addressed and mitigated during the project implementation;
t. Ensure there is preparation for GBV prevention and response throughout the project implementation period;
u. Ensuring that vulnerable people such as the Ultra poor, women people with disabilities, People living with HIV and AIDS, Child headed households and people living with Albinism are not marginalized and affected negatively by the project; and
v. Provide gender guidance and technical support to the Project Implementation Unit (PIU)
w. Create a gender capacity building plan for EP&D
x. Track the M&E gender indicators for EP&D included in the RCRP-2 Results Framework
y. Provide any necessary project management support as may be assigned by the Project Coordinator.
Performance Criteria
The following performance criteria will be used to assess the performance of the Social Safeguards Specialist annually and based upon these assessments, the contract may be renewed. Coordinating social impact assessments and making appropriate recommendations.
i. Quality adherence to social safeguards standards at all times;
ii. Quality reports generated as requested;
iii. Provision of guidance and direction to management for ensuring compliance to safeguards requirements
iv. Quality and timeliness of safeguards instruments prepared;
v. Quality of safeguards management system/approach including record keeping;
vi. Quality and timeliness of safeguards supervision and monitoring at operational sites;
vii. Quality of safeguards support to PIU, implementing agencies, contractors and beneficiaries;
viii. Quality and timeliness of follow up to safeguards incidents; and
ix. Quality and timeliness of follow up to the Project GRM.
Reporting Requirements
The Specialist will report to the Project Coordinator for all his/her technical and implementation support operations.
Qualification and experience
The candidate should meet the following minimum qualifications:
i. Master’s Degree in Sociology; Public Administration, Political Science, Gender and Development, Social Work, Rural and Social Development Studies, or Environmental Economics or a related discipline;
ii. A minimum of 10 years of experience in the field of Social Science at National level or international organization, and donor projects handling social aspects of planning, assessing and managing construction projects of various scale;
iii. Have thorough working knowledge of World Bank environmental and social framework and have demonstrated experience in successfully preparing ESIAs, ESMPs and RAPs by World Bank standard;
iv. Be familiar with World Bank Group Gender Strategy (2016-23), and gender and energy linkages in Malawi;
v. Have experience with designing and delivering capacity building programs;
vi. Be familiar with environmental, social and economic conditions prevailing in Malawi;
vii. Solid understanding of issues relating to development projects, reconstruction and conflict mitigation, including the ability to speak persuasively and present ideas clearly and concisely;
viii. Have excellent oral and written communication skills in English, as well as team participation and management skills;
ix. Strong organizational and communications skills and ability to interface with grassroots, district and sector players in the discipline;
x. Demonstrated Computer Skill (Proficiency in using computer desktop application MS Office (Word, Excel and Power Point); and
xi. Highly motivated with a positive attitude and energy.
Duration of the assignment
The Project Financial Management Specialist will be recruited for a period of five (5) years, with the contract renewable annually subject to satisfactory performance, need and availability of funding.
Facilities to be provided by the Client
The following shall be provided by the Client: office space, furniture, office equipment, communication, and internet facilities. For all field related assignments, the Project shall provide transport and costs and other expenses (per diems etc.) related to the fieldwork.
Location of Employment
All the Project Specialists will be based at the Project Coordination Unit in Lilongwe but would be required to travel regularly to other relevant field offices where the RCRP is implementing its activities.
Method Of Application
Interested Individuals meeting the stated requirements should submit their Expressions of interest including updated detailed curriculum vitae (CVs) and copies of professional certificates must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) by Tuesday, 13th February, 2024 on or before 10:00 hours, local time.
The Project Coordinator,
Regional Climate Resilience Program for Eastern and Southern Africa 2 Project,
Department of Economic Planning and Development,
P. O. Box 30136,
(Attention: The Procurement Officer)
Alternatively, applications may be emailed to: [email protected] : /copy [email protected]