Mwanza District Council
Local Government Service Commission is inviting applications from suitably qualified Malawians for the following vacancies existing at Mwanza District Council’s Establishment.
1. Job Title: Director of Lands and Public Works
Grade : M2
i. Plan and coordinate the day-to-day activities of the Directorate
ii. Set standards for construction and maintenance of all Public Works programs
iii. Advise the Public Works Committee of the Council
iv. Commissioner of all infrastructure developments
v. Maintain effectively the resources of the Directorate vi. Formulate and review shelter policies to ensure optional utilization of the land resources in the Council
vii. Ensure that estate management and valuation activities are properly performed.
viii. Ensure that regulations and procedures for administering contract on constructions and maintenance projects are adhered to.
ix. Ensure that portable water is available to the residents of the council.
x. Supervise and lead the preparation of physical development plans at local, district and regional and national levels
xi. Formulate and review planning standards and guidelines
xii. Interpret physical development management policies
xiii. Conduct on job training for junior staff
xiv. Administration of land in the district
xv. Valuation of land and properties in the district
xvi. Any other relevant duties that maybe assigned from time to time.
Educational qualifications
Applicants must be in possession of a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering or Structural Design/Quantity Surveying or Architecture and must have a Master’s degree in any of the above fields from a well-recognized institution and must be registered with relevant professional body.
Serving officers in local authorities must have 4 years’ experience at grade F(M3)
Work Experience
A minimum of 5 years experience in a busy construction or engineering industry/environment and serving in a senior position in private and public sector.
• This post is strategic in ensuring effective and efficient delivery of Public Works programs in the Council hence the incumbent should have an in-depth knowledge of all aspects of engineering and technical work.
• He/ She should demonstrate ability to plan effectively the operations of the Directorate and monitor accomplishments against set target.
Grade: G/ M5
i. Lead the ICT team at the council
ii. Advising management on computer related needs
iii. Prepare detailed system requirements, impact analysis as well as user cases
iv. Advising management on new computer developments and system improvements to existing systems.
v. Conduct reviews with system analysis and other users
vi. Involve and manage change control procedures and issue related matters
vii. Define application problems and develop solutions
viii. Coordinating production with programmers
ix. Formulate and implement systems development and documentation standards
Applicants must be serving ICT officers (Grade H/M6) with a minimum of four (4) years’ experience in Local authorities with at least for years’ experience at that grade
3. Job Title: ECONOMIST
Grade: I/M6
i. Conducting research to aid in the interpretation of economic trends
ii. Reviewing and analyzing economic data in order to prepare reports and detailing results of investigation to stay abreast of economic changes
iii. Organizing data and translating it into usable format
iv. Preparing graphical illustration of research findings
v. Maintaining data on planning and development of the district
vi. Preparing topical and generic economic reports
vii. Providing district profile information for planning purposes
viii. Facilitating sectoral capacity building in monitoring and evaluation
ix. Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of annual district plans and budgets and making recommendations for improvement
x. Maintain records related to monitoring and evaluation and making them valuable to users
Applicants should be a holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics.
Grade: J/ M7
i. Revoking trade licenses
ii. Regulating trading activities
iii. Handling trade related grievance and forwarding the same to higher authorities
iv. Processing trade permits applications
v. Supervise collection and banking trade related revenues
vi. Formulating work plans for the Section
vii. Allocating premises to traders
viii. Ensuring that traders / business register is being maintained
ix. Supervise subordinate staff
Applicants must be serving officers in Local Authorities at Grade K with four years’ work experience.
Grade: K/M8
i. Assist in carrying out internal financial audits, compiling and submission of reports
ii. Review systems to identify internal control weaknesses and making recommendation for their improvements
iii. Assist in preparing audit plans and programs
iv. Collecting relevant dada and documentation for specific audits
v. Ascertaining comprehensive documentation of audit work
vi. Assist in providing support to external auditors to ensure that audit exercises are completed on time and efficiently
vii. Assist in developing and monitoring implementation of risk management programs and strategies and activities for the development.
Applicants should be in possession of a Diploma in Accounting or Auditing obtained from accredited Institution .
Grade: HK/M9
i. Supervise staff under him/her in daily work of cleaning wards and giving drugs to patients as prescribed;
ii. Order drugs and ensure that they are economically used and that dangerous drugs are properly recorded;
iii. Diagnose patient’s problems and prescribe treatment;
iv. Select patients for review by senior medical officer on his/her routine visits and send urgent cases for senior medical officer’s action;
v. Prepare work schedule and monthly returns of patients and staff;
vi. Conduct ward rounds
Educational Qualification
Applicants must be in possession of a Diploma in Clinical medicine obtained from a Accredited university / Institution, and must be registered member of Medical Council of Malawi.
Grade: HK/M9
i. Provide quality nursing care using the nursing/ midwifery process;
ii. Perform activities of daily living for the patient’s 24hours/day;
iii. Observe patients’ condition and progress;
iv. Maintain a clean and safe environment for patient cares;
v. Use appropriate common skills during nursing care;
vi. Administer medication and treatment to patients and clients;
vii. Assist in the rehabilitation of patients through application of principles of prevention of deformities, range of motion exercise and body alignment;
viii. Adhere to continuous professional development;
ix. Document and maintain accurate records of all nursing care activities performed;
x. Building therapeutic relationship with patients, guardians and fellow health workers.
Educational Qualifications
Applicants must be in possession of a Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery obtained from a recognized University/Institution, and must be a registered member of the Nurses and Midwives Council of Malawi
i. Taking X-Ray pictures on patients.
ii. Processing and developing X-Ray pictures.
iii. Ordering items for use in X-Ray Department.
iv. Preparing chemicals for use in X-Ray department.
v. Scanning patients using ultra sound equipment.
vi. Filing X-Rays for future reference.
vii. Supervising cleanliness of X-Ray Department and Junior Staff.
viii. Evaluating and monitoring quality of Radiographs.
ix. Recording data in relevant registers and instruments, compiling and analyzing the information, performing performance monitoring and taking appropriate actions for quality and timely services.
x. Any other duties deemed reasonable for the post.
Applicants should be a holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Radiography.
Responsible to : Chief Health Services Administrator(Grade F)
i. The Co-ordination and control of administrative human and financial resources of the hospital
ii. Controlling and supervising financial and material allocations to various health centers under the hospital charge.
iii. Advising administrative staff on Public Relations relating to employees patients and other welfare personnel at the hospital.
iv. Providing Secretarial services to the hospital Advisory Committee.
v. Advising the procurement committee on food and fuel requirements for the hospital and other health units under its charge.
vi. Controlling and directing all Executive, Secretarial, Clerical and Subordinate Staff working under his charge.
vii. To advise management on an efficient and effective health information system for the hospital;
viii. To supervise recruitment, selection and induction of new staff, career development, conditions of service etc.
ix. To re-enforce the hospitals; health and safety regulations and ensure implementation thereof;
Applicants must be serving Health Services Administrator Grade I with a minimum of four (4) experience at that grade in Local authorities
10. Job Title: Assistant Environmental Health Officer
Grade: K
i. Prepares plans, implements and monitors Health
Education activities
ii. Coordinates and monitors all environmental health matters
iii. Promotes health and safety issues
iv. Organizes interventions on Health related issues
v. Collaborates with relevant authorities and ensures participation and involvement in health information
Educations Qualifications
Applicants should have a Diploma in Environmental Science/Health.
11. Job Title: Nursing Midwife Technician (Mental Health/Psychiatric)
Grade: K
i. Plans and implements quality mental health/ psychiatric nursing care using the nursing process.
ii. Performs activities of daily living for the patients 24 hours/day.
iii. Collaborates with other health workers in meeting specific needs of the patients.
iv. Adhere to standard precautions of infection prevention and control practices.
v. Builds therapeutic relationship with patients, guardians and fellow health workers.
vi. Documents and maintains accurate records of all mental health/psychiatric nursing care activities performed.
vii. Maintains professional code of conduct at all times. Develops ward/department policies in consultation with other multidisciplinary team members.
viii. Monitors that all health workers comply with quality standards of care.
ix. Supervises Nurse/Midwives, students and Subordinate Staff.
x. Conducts performance appraisal for subordinates and makes recommendations accordingly.
xi. Compiles weekly and monthly duty rosters for the ward.
xii. Plans and conducts regular meetings with different cadres of staff in the ward/department.
xiii. Provides measures for ensuring drug safety and record keeping.
xiv. Conducts inventory quarterly and maintains accurate records.
xv. Provides Supportive Supervision all mental health/ psychiatric nursing activities in the health facilities
xvi. Participates in identification of departmental training needs and conducts on the job training.
xvii. Adheres to continuous professional development.
Applicants must be in possession of Diploma in Mental Health or Psychiatric nursing science.
12. Job title: Senior Assistant Community Development Officer
Grade: J
Reports to: Community Development Officer
Purpose of the job
Works with community level structures, households and individuals to promote social change and enhance well-being by providing technical support to communities in their endeavor to improve their economic and social wellbeing.
i. Explains Government social and economic development priorities and ensures that community-based initiatives are within the national development priorities and directly addressing social and economic concerns of communities.
ii. Plans, organizes, supervises and monitors the work of community volunteers involved in community development programs and ensure that they conform to standards and guidelines in performing their tasks.
iii. Mobilizes communities and facilitates the process of problems identification, solution seeking and implementation planning in a participatory manner to ensure entrenchment of ownership.
iv. Carries out programs on local leadership training at community and household levels by planning and mounting short courses and preparing implementation reports according to established guidelines as may be determined from time to time
v. Works with community to develop appropriate Information, Education and Communications materials for dissemination of information in areas such as human and women rights, HIV/AIDS prevention, nutrition, home management and economic empowerment.
vi. Keeps a register of all community activities and liaises with other stakeholders involved in rural development activities at community level in order to guide, share or learn experiences on implementation of program activities and delivery of services.
vii. Ensures that adult literacy, resilience building and other self-help programs are adequately supervised and are directed towards poverty reduction and wealth creation at household level.
viii. Carries out needs assessment on various community development programs and services and ensure the results inform capacity development interventions being implemented by various stakeholders at community level.
ix. Coordinate with other community development workers (CSOs, CBOs, and NGOs, Ministries, and departments) to jointly prepare work plans and periodic reports for submission to supervisor and other stakeholders in line with established guidelines and procedures.
x. Maintains records concerning local conditions, traditions and developments which could positively influence or hamper the success of community development and social welfare interventions and ensures that these are shared with other stakeholders while engaging communities on how to address such conditions.
xi. Keeps a database of potential sources of assistance and directs community-based organizations and other development structures to other areas of assistance and giving them tools they require to access such help.
xii. Performs any other duties as the supervisor may from time to time deem necessary.
Applicants must be Serving Assistant Community Development officers (Grade K/M9) with a minimum of 4 years’ experience at that grade in Local Authorities.
13. Job Title: Assistant District Forestry Officers
Grade: K
i. Enhance and interpret forestry policy and law
ii. Conduct forest resource assessment and mapping
iii. Protect forest resources
iv. Promote and establish forest plantations
v. Empower communities in management of forest resources taking into account gender issues
vi. Co-ordinate forest development activities with other stake holders
vii. Train staff based on forestry sector needs
viii. Produce, package and disseminate of forestry related information
ix. Undertake supervision of subordinate staff
x. Provide information on management and prices for forest products
xi. Plan, monitor and control financial resources
xii. Promote multiple use of forest resources
Applicants must be in possession of Diploma in Forestry / Environmental management obtained from Accredited Institution.
Method Of Application
Those meeting the required qualifications and experience should send their application letters together with copies of relevant certificates and Curriculum Vitae clearly indicating post on the envelope to:
The Executive Secretary
Local Government Service Commission
P.O Box 766
The closing date for receipts of applications is on 10th June, 2024. Only shortlisted candidates will be acknowledged and invited for interviews.